Monday, October 22, 2018

Happy Heat Day

Well, today's the day. My husband woke up and turned on the heat. It is chilly in here, and since our garden did nothing this year, we have no pumpkins roasting to keep the house warm.

Hmmm. . . maybe yesterday was heat day because I turned on one of the heaters in the addition last evening before bed for a little while. I was chilled to the bone from being outside all afternoon making cider.

But then again, does it count that yesterday we had a heater going in the garage so everybody could warm their hands while making cider?

This heat game I made up is so confusing!

Because I'm writing the blog post today and because my husband turned on the main heater this morning, I declare today-- Monday, October 22, 2018-- the official 2018 Heat Day.

Click here for last year's Heat Day post.

Oops. That wasn't the "official" Heat Day 2017 post. Evidently, this year is an EPIC fail with my game. Today I definitely lost my heat game. Losing a game you make up and change all the rules to in which you are the only player-- I think that is just pathetic.

Oh, well, always next year.


  1. We had a gas fireplace installed and were told to run it at least 8 hours to get rid of the factory smell. We started running it in August so we could have windows open while we ran it. I really don't know when official heat day for us was for us because the fireplace changed the rules for us.

    1. I think a fireplace would change the rules for us, too :)

  2. We had to start heating on October 5th. Not because it was so cold but because Jakob came home the next day from Thailand and even with the heat on he had to run the gas fireplace!
