Thursday, January 14, 2016

One of Those Moms

Yep. I'm one of those moms.

Thank you, Mars Company

I bribe my children with candy. Yes, I do. I know it's not right or good. I know it rots their teeth and moral character, but I do it anyway.

My toddler boy has lately been wanting to go potty in the potty chair. He's not really ready to do it all the time, I don't think, so I'm not terribly excited about it. And I'm not actually using the M&Ms as rewards for going potty (though I'm not above that, either).

Trusty old plastic throne

But I have found it mighty helpful to use the candy (or "candy cane" as the 2yo calls all candy) to get that child off the toilet. It's amazing how many times a child can squeeze out a few drops that he thinks necessitates ever so much toilet paper.

Let the good times roll!


  1. I'm not above it either, LOL. I used Skittles to help my son learn math facts!

    A cute note about candy canes--it's funny what little ones call things. My 2 year old calls candy canes "canny canny"! LOL So what your son said reminded me of that.

  2. I'm not above it either, LOL. I used Skittles to help my son learn math facts!

    A cute note about candy canes--it's funny what little ones call things. My 2 year old calls candy canes "canny canny"! LOL So what your son said reminded me of that.

    1. Yes, our toddler is definitely in that double-speak stage. .. "meat-meat", "gun-gun"(for Daddy going hunting), "Buh-buh"(for brother. . . I finally get how people get the nickname of Bubba), and so on. It's just so cute!
