Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fat. Fat Tuesday

I'm writing this late, but things have been busy around here. We've been doing school (of course), appointments, and life. But life is a little different around here because we're going gluten-free for a month. This requires more planning on our part. The children were not super keen on the idea, but it was doctor-recommended for one of the children.

However, you might say we had one or two or three last hurrahs with our friend wheat before we started.

First up was my mother's birthday. We actually celebrated several weeks late because snow and funerals kept us apart on the actual day. For her birthday meal, she chose bombushka (a meal with lots of wheat in the form of bread rolls). Instead of cake, I chose to make something I'd been wanting to try for quite some time--whoopie pies. These had mint filling because I used some of the leftover frosting from a birthday for party mixed with marshmallow fluff.


Somewhere in there was butchering and the accompanying pies.

Next up was Fat Tuesday. It's been our family tradition to make doughnuts the day before Lent begins. This year I really wanted to try a filled doughnut. I attempted maple long-johns with maple cream filling and maple glaze.

Rising and slightly wrong in shape

Frying. The hard part.

You will notice no completed doughnuts pictures because the camera had been put away by then and the finished product wasn't so amazingly stunning to require a picture. They were yummy, but I won't make that recipe again.

To top it off, this was to be our last day before gluten-free, and we'd just done butchering and had pon haus in the fridge, so we decided to see how it was deep-fried since the oil was hot.

New deep-fried fair food?

It wasn't horrible-horrible, but we won't be doing that again. Regular pan-frying is better.

And now we are gluten-free with potluck looming (tomorrow). I'm not positive how we're going to handle that, but we'll make it through!


  1. I try to bring a big fruit salad to potlucks, this time of year would probably be oranges, bananas, canned pineapple with any other fruit I could find in my fridge. I can usually pass on bread and find something in the main course or salad that is allowed and then if none of the dessert is acceptable just have the fruit.
    I allow the boys to have a lot more "cheats" than my husband and I have at church events, and that is the exception where they are allowed more than what is off limits at home. It ends up being once or twice a week. After 5 years of completely dairy free for son 1, I'm allow more now as long as they know they are treats and not allowed every day. Sometimes I pay for that the next day in their behavior!

    1. What type of diet do you "do"? Paleo?
      Our theme for our potluck tomorrow is "soup and sandwich," so I made chicken & rice soup, I'm making chicken salad on lettuce leaves instead of bread, and I made two different kinds of gluten-free cookies.
      I don't know how realistic it is, but I'm hoping to make it downstairs before the children to help them find other possible gluten-free choices. There are no cheats right now since we're trying to see if there actually are sensitivities.
